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5 Kangen Water Types

Strong Kangen Water 11.5 Ph

Strong Kangen Water is has a pH of 11.5 making it very caustic & able to emulsify oils. Because of this quality it is a potent cleaning and grease cutting agent that can be used in place of detergents and cleansers. After cleaning surfaces with pH 11.5 Strong Water, spray the surface with pH 2.5 Acidic Water as an anti-microbial. Strong Kangen Water also has an oxidation reduction potential (ORP) of -700mV- 850mV. This neutralizes free radicals extremely efficiently and reduces inflammation rapidly. As an anti-inflammatory, pH 11.5 Strong Water also relived strains, sprains, sore muscles, and any condition where there is pain due to inflammation. One of the most common uses for Strong Kangen Water is washing & soaking fresh produce, by emulsifying oils this level of Kangen Water can strip all fruits & vegetables of harmful pesticides, insecticides & herbicides, which are oil based.

The photo shows pesticide residue from soaking produce in 11.5pH Kangen Water for 10 minutes. It also shows tap water after the same produce had been soaked in it for 10 minutes, evidently showing no removal of harmful pesticides. 

Kangen Water 8.5pH - 9.5pH



Free radicals (or oxidation agents) are molecules that have an unpaired electron. Because electrons are in a state of balance in pairs, these free radicals damage cells such as protein, DNA, and cell membranes in order to claim an electron to pair with. This process is called oxidative stress, or oxidation. Oxidation is responsible for the premature damage of body cells, and therefore contributes heavily to a faster aging process.

Whilst oxidation cannot be prevented fully, research indicates that the process can be slowed down with antioxidants. Antioxidants carry an extra electron, which they give to free radicals in order to neutralize the damage they otherwise do to our cell molecules. Using an ORP meter, one can measure the amount of antioxidants a liquid contains. The higher the negative reading (-ORP) or Oxidation Reduction Potential, the more effective the reduction of oxidative stress is on your body. High antioxidant levels in the body help prevent and minimize the risk of cancer and contributes to reduce the onset of many other diseases. Kangen Water has the highest ORP measured compared to any liquid on the planet. (– 800 ORP)

Molecular Hydrogen


Molecular hydrogen’s power is seen in its ability to regulate redox homeostasis for the entire cell (including all cellular compartments) via its cell modulation properties.  H2 is not only a powerful antioxidant, it definitely appears to be one of the most unique, multi-functional therapeutic agents that has ever been discovered. Simply put, active hydrogen molecules neutralize active oxygen or, free radicals in your body that cause aging and disease. The more free radicals we neutralize, the more toxins we can effectively flush from our system. 

Kangen Water is rich with molecular hydrogen which is what is responsible for most of its healing properties. Molecular hydrogen is a nutraceutical. A nutraceutical is a natural element with medicinal benefits.  It has a therapeutic potential for over 170 disease models including,  Parkinson’s, cancer, Alzheimers, and Chron’s disease. Molecular hydrogen is an antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-diabetic, anti-tumor. 

It is very therapeutic for all of your organs & it is a selective anti-oxidant. This means it targets ONLY the bad free radicals. 

Molecular hydrogen is mostly used therapeutically as a medical gas & is most effectively consumed in water which is the reason Kangen Water is used in over 250 hospitals in Japan.

Hydrogen is the smallest and lightest molecule in the universe. Its small size is what allows hydrogen to actively reach every part of your body and cells to heal not only the symptoms of illness you may be experiencing, but also the cause. 

It is essential that we should be drinking hydrogen rich, alkalized water for our future health. 

Molecular Hydrogen is the smallest & lightest molecule in the universe which allows it to penetrate our cell walls & reach every part of our bodies, effectively neutralizing the dangerous free radicals all other other antioxidants cannot.

Alkaline vs Alkalized


Many of us lead an acidic lifestyle by ingesting acidic products (meats, processed produce, carbonated drinks) and applying high stress levels to our bodies (negative emotions, sleep deprivation). This unhealthy lifestyle turns our body into an acidic state, where we are very susceptible to sickness and diseases.  

“Cancer grows in oxygen-deprived acidic tissue… Disease cannot thrive in an alkaline body” – Dr Otto Heinrich Warburg, Winner of the 1931 Nobel Prize in Physiology and discovered the Cause of Cancer in 1923.

Alkaline water is any water whose pH has been raised above 7.0. It is simple to make tap, bottled or well water alkaline by adding baking soda, or other minerals and chemicals that are alkaline themselves to raise the alkaline concentration of the water.

Ionized Alkalized water does not use chemicals. It is Electrolyzed Reduced Water (ERW): it is therefore an electrical alteration, not a chemical one. This electrical charge is what gives Kangen Water its properties and creates custom water types that have high pH levels. This means that Kangen Water achieves an alkalized state of pH without any additives, or chemical excess to cover up more acidic substances present in tap and bottled water the same way alkaline water does.

micro clustered

Optimal hydration carries a direct link to optimal health. Staying properly hydrated helps us increase our stamina, keep our mind alert, and achieve a heightened sense of mental clarity and focus. Ionized water has better hydration abilities due to the micro-clustering of the water molecules after the ionization process. The less clustered the molecules of your drinking water are, the better your body will be able to absorb it and the more hydrated you will feel.  Non-ionized water molecules are found in clusters of 10 to 20 molecules whilst ionized water molecules are found in clusters of 4 to 6 molecules.

Clean Water 7.0 pH


Kangen’s Neutral Water with a pH of 7.0 is obtained through the top flexible hose. The water has been run through the filter portion of the system but has NOT gone through the electrolysis process. Kangen Machines contain a replaceable filter that filters your tap water removing everything that is 0.5 microns and above. To visualize the size of 1 micron unit: 24,500 micron units fit into 1 inch. 

Use clean water when taking pharmaceutical (prescription medicines). These medicines are designed to be time released & the majority of the medication should NOT be absorbed by your body, but rather urinated out. Therefore do NOT take medications with micro clustered water as medication will be taken rapidly to the cellular level of the body, making the medication overly effective. When taking pharmaceutical medications, discontinue drinking Kangen Water 15- 20 minutes prior to taking medication. Use clean water when preparing baby formulas. Finally use clean water if you must drink water with a meal.

Beauty Water 6.0 pH

Whilst internally, your body is healthiest if it is alkaline, your skin pH is ideally around 6.0pH. This makes Kangen’s Beauty Water the best water to apply to your skin for best hydration and wellbeing. 

Beauty Water is astringent and oxidative, making it beneficial for the overall health and beauty of your skin and hair. The results of using it are like those of expensive toners. It tightens, softens, and provides an environment for healing which is excellent for many skin conditions. 

Beauty water can be used to treat Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Athlete’s foot, nail fungus, insect bites/stings, rashes, sun burn, cold sores, nappy rash, dry skin, burns and minor cuts.

Strong Acidic Water 2.5 pH

Kangen’s 2.5pH Strong Acidic Water contains Hypochlorous Acid (HDCl). HDCl is a component in bleach – the molecule that kills microbes. Using 2.5pH Kangen Water eliminates 99.9% of bacteria when rinsing your produce, surfaces, hands, and cuts. The FDA has approved HDCl as an industrial cleaner and is as effective as bleach without any of the harmful chemicals. 

What is HOCI?

When salt water is electrolyzed, it produces an anolyte solution that consists of >99.3% water, chloride salt and Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl). HOCl is a naturally occurring chemical that is produced by our neutrophils, or white blood cells, to fight bacteria and inflammation after an infection or trauma. HOCl provides a unique power to eradicate dangerous organisms while not causing harm to our cells. HOCl is one of the only agents that is both nontoxic to the delicate cells that can heal our wounds while being lethal to almost all known dangerous bacteria and viruses that threaten our health such as E. coli, red yeast, salmonella in approximately 30 seconds or less, without using any harmful chemicals or substances. (Bleach, its toxic counterpart, takes around 2 minutes to achieve similar results.)

How is the HOCl produced?

As mentioned above, HOCl is produced when a saline solution is added to the electrolysis process. This saline solution is called electrolysis enhancer & is composed of salt mixed with distilled water (that can be manually placed in the electrolysis enhancer within the machine). When this solution gets sent through the electrolysis process you get HDCl. Other ionizing machines on the market are not able to produce hydrochloric acid. Kangen Strong Acidic Water containing HOCl has been shown to be extremely more effective than a simple 2.5pH acidic water.


"When you feel healthy and vital and alive and prosperous
you attract more of all those things"

- Abraham Hicks