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Greece 2024

We patiently waited until this dream comes true, deepening into the water consciousness of this land, my homeland Greece.
The land of Light, HELLAS, where the water codes and mysteries are potent, surfacing.

Our deeperst prayer is THANK YOU!

Our family is getting bigger. 15 souls cleansing, for themselves, the collective, their lineage, their mothers. Until you come to one of our journeys you won’t be able to understand the depth of this work. A vision that became a mission. Healing from within, exploring and reconnect with our deepest layers of ourselves, processing of subconscious emotions, desires, shadow, letting go of ego and past wounds, wow!! Building the communication with our bodies, honouring our temples.


Guatemala 2024

Alchemising a soulless world into a sacred world.
How can we deny that the memories of all that you have experienced, this lifetime, past lifetimes and ancestral are not stored on a cellular memory.

Your inner waters are a reflection of your outer world. It will show you everything that you are trying to hide. There is no escape from the truth when you work with water. The greatest mirror.

When Water comes in absorbs the energetic blockages and washes them out of the system, as long as you keep updating the frequency of your body with more energised liquid. A ritual and a prayer.


Guatemala 2023

A vision that became a mission.

Healing from within, creating and holding a beautiful container where we can safely go through the process of detoxification, explore and reconnect with our deepest layers of ourselves, processing of subconscious emotions, desires, shadow, letting go of ego and past wounds, wow!!

• Forever grateful for all the signs that got presented to us and didn’t ignore them.
• Forever grateful for all the people who have followed our journey, believed in us,
and trusted us by joining water fasting journeys over the years
• Forever grateful for the WATER that came into our lives and changed us forever.

Our waters are sacred Our bodies are sacred

I invite you all to devote yourselves into nourishing this body and animated spirit and I welcome you to allow yourself to experience the gifts of water too. Water and Lake Atitlan will hold the mirror until you see clearly, until we can heal the wounds…
the reflections are potent.


Guatemala 2022

In every journey when we turn to Water everything dissolves. We find ourselves into the landscapes of clarity, more love, more compassion, more forgiveness My faith and trust are so strong that nothing can stop me from this devotional path of looking within, and accepting the responsibility that we came here to re-write history.

As within, so without! Whatever it takes, HEAL.
This is the Art of my work from where everything that isn’t true falls away and only truth stays - My truth. Your truth.




❝ Words can’t describe how amazing this retreat was! I came with the intention of physical healing, and left with so much more! Violetta and Annika are such wonderful humans and it was a blessing to be in their presence! The entire retreat was so beautifully crafted from the moment we arrived until the time of departure. A life changing experience! ❞

❝ I am eternally grateful to have been a part of something so powerful. I went into this experience with an open mind hoping to have a mind body spirit reset. It was that and more. I have been amazed at the changes I've noticed since the detox journey. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I would recommend this to anyone My expectations were not only met but exceeded during my journey to and through the water fasting retreat. I did many things I thought I could not and some things I’ve never thought of. The thing I realized & taken the most from my experience is how healing and therapeutic being in nature truly is to my soul. And understanding this has paved the way for the tone I set in areas I spend a lot of time… either I will go outside to enjoy nature or bring the nature to me. ❞

❝ Honestly, it's been nothing short of life-changing. Going in, I thought I was just signing up for a simple fast, but boy, was I in for a surprise. I had no clue how spiritually enlightened I'd become by the end of it. First off, major shoutout to Violetta and Anika. These two went above and beyond in every possible way. They were our guides, our cheerleaders, and our gurus all wrapped into one. Their dedication to our group was just mind-blowing, and they were so tuned into our needs every step of the way. The resort itself was a slice of paradise. I mean, you could feel the peace the moment you stepped onto the grounds. The structure of the program was on point, too. It had just the right balance of discipline and freedom, so you never felt overwhelmed. Oh, and the yoga sessions! They were such a vital part of the experience, helping us to connect with our bodies in a time when we were giving our digestive ...

  • ... systems a break. It was the perfect complement to the fasting process. Now, let's talk about the food... or the lack thereof, haha! But seriously, when we did get to eat, it was top-notch. Fresh, vibrant, and nourishing – it was clear that every meal was crafted with love and intention. Violetta's passion is something else. You can tell she's all in on her mission to help people heal. She's a powerhouse of knowledge on water fasting, healthy living, and spiritual connection, and she shares it all with such a warm heart. I'm walking away from this experience with a whole new perspective on life, and I'm already thinking about when I can join again. If you're considering a water fast, this is the place to do it. Trust me, you won't regret it. ❞

❝ My experience with Violetta’s & Annika’s Water Fasting Journey was nothing short of miraculous. If you’re considering such a journey for yourself I can highly recommend the offering as a first time water fasting experience. The deepest levels of support and nurturing were offered before, during, and after the retreat. It was absolutely amazing to me how well the facilitators could be understanding and compassionate and at the same time so deeply advocating for our commitment to transmute our b.s! ❞

❝ My water fasting journey with Violetta and Annika was truly one of my life’s greatest blessings! I chose to nurture, open and empower myself in this beautifully curated and sacred container. Every detail was thought out, the space incredibly gorgeous and safe, all the modalities of practices we did were there to support us in healing. It is a total mind, body, soul reset! We got to work with various healers, spiritual leaders and masters of their craft. Each offering ripples of wisdom and personal impact. I gained the tools, support and confidence to begin to heal my body, release trauma and dive deeper into my heart. This retreat changed my life and I’m sure it will change anyones who decides they want to up level their life! ❞

❝ I was blessed enough to have two wise souls full of passion knowledge and love for the healing element of water , as a guide to a unique somatic but mainly spiritual deep dive into the deepest secrets of my soul … A big internal reset, in every level , is still revealing for me, beautiful new processes and gifts such as regaining my faith in my body healing capacity , elimination of my past permanent fatigue, my headaches have seriously reduced, the levels of my body and mental energy have miraculously increased and I m experiencing clarity and consciousness in my thoughts and feelings more than ever… I m so grateful Violeta and Annika, for coming up to my path , and the journey has just starte...I m grateful and blessed for your teachings and your beautiful complimentary energies of Love and Wisdom… ❞

❝ My cleansing journey was emotionally deeply clarifying. Physically it was difficult, but oddly comforting at the same time. I didn’t feel hungry once, just tired, and I feel that I wholly healed, through the full, continuous, and well-thought out daily schedules. It truly felt I was being reset and realigned with kindness in a beautifully chosen environment. I will never forget my first water fasting retreat. As I journeyed through, doing something entirely for myself, I was certainly not by myself! We were a container of 14 cleansing souls. I have happy memories of an intense experience. ❞

❝ Truly a life changing experience. I first decided to attend the retreat out of curiosity about the health benefits of water fasting. Having never fasted I was a bit scared and unsure of the process. Violetta and Annika made it so smooth and were prepared to help with anything and everything I needed emotionally or physically throughout the experience. The benefits cannot be put into words. So much more than a water fast. The body and mind transformation is powerful and I’m forever grateful for the experience. ❞

❝ My body was drawn to the benefits of water cleansing however my mind was using food to stay in my comfort zone. I knew I needed a support system for my first time going through a water cleanse. After having been through my first water cleansing transformation with Violetta I am blown away by how large the ripple effect of this experience has been on my life. I notice I have more space in my thoughts and my actions. The cleanses had helped me connect to my deeper intuition and power. My day to days are more present, calm and enjoyable. Violetta gives you all of the tools and knowledge you need to water cleanse on your own. She explains the science behind the changes happening in the body on an hour by hour timeline. It was so valuable to learn what constitutes the highest quality drinking water in terms of mineral content, hydrogen molecules, electrolytes and antioxidants. Having a group of people gathered together working on cleaning...

  • ... together was very powerful. I am normally introverted. I noticed with less food in my system there was a lot more space in my mind for compassion and interest in engaging with others. I could feel a large momentum circulating between all of us. I highly recommend cleansing in a group, from my experience it is very motivating and helps create big memories. My favorite part of this retreat is that it prepared me to be able to dive back into these teachings anytime my body needs the healing power of water cleansing. Violetta’s whole heart is poured into being the best facilitator she can be. There are so many little touches that she includes that make a huge difference if feel safe to go deep. This is a 10 out of 10 stars experience! ❞




Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
11-16 January / 2025
Join us

Detox Protocols and Biohacking
One Water Fasting Journay
3-month Online Program
Cleanse with me

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+44 7598 056 086

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