why water fasting
Our internal ‘pipes’, tissues and thought processes become clogged up with the stresses of daily life, unhealthy diets, environmental toxicity and the overburdening of chemicals or emotional stressors in our system so the best way we can clear ourselves is to give the whole body a good old fashioned clean out! .
The water fasting method is one of the most effective ways of
healing, cleansing and rejuvenating the body. It helps to
heal many diseases, and sometimes -
to save lives.
The person completely abstains from food and consumes only
water (not any water) usually for one to three days which is
the usual length of time for a safe fast.
Others may fast
for 12 hours, others extend the fast for a week, but the prevailing time in the program I have is 3 days. Once one experiences a journey of fasting and re-connecting and re-building the communication withy their body again, it often becomes a way of life.
water fasting
• purifying, re-storing and reseting
the body back to balance, healing conditions / diseases, balancing the metabolism, weight reduction
• build communication with our bodies,
understand symptoms, boosting immune system & lymphatic pathways, increasing the alkalinity of the body
• deep emotional release,
strengthening will power, fosters, gratitude & humility, calming the mind & improving decision making, attaining a state of inner balance & harmony, heightened spiritual awareness
It is proven that water fasting can
treat chronic conditions
such as asthma, arthritis, high blood pressure, autoimmune diseases, arthritis and allergies.

new moon
to activate your manifestation power
The New Moon is a time for promoting all forms of growth, including planting crops, business opportunities, relationships, as well as creative and spiritual endeavors. When you fast during the New Moon, you receive important benefits and during the days of fasting will help you see things more clearly and with a new perspective.
full moon
to release what no longer serves you
When it is the time of Full Moon, its strong gravitational pull on the Earth makes a time of peak creative energy and incredibly powerful intuitive breakthroughs. It’s about reflection. The Full Moon focuses attention on things that you’ve been working on during the past few weeks. This climactic energy asks us to bring something that's already building to a high point and get our already-laid-out plans in motion.
heal your body
The body is a cleansing machine - it always wants to return itself back to great health. We just need to facilitate its ability to fix itself and give it the right environment to do so – the right water, air, nutrients, rest, mind, love, patience, and occasionally a break from processing food.
heal your mind
The mental & emotional effects of a water fast are the most benefit. It’s a great opportunity for ‘purging’ stored emotions that have been burried. The philosophy of water fasting calls upon us to know ourselves, to master ourselves, to identify our dependencies, and free ourselves from them.
A water fasting journey will give that break your body needs and reducing the velocity of the food and nutrients come in so your cells have the time to rest, metabolise and excrete. Regenerating at a cellular level, reseting your mind and body, will allow you to feel more balanced and aligned.
Putting yourself fist and walking the path of self-healing will leave you feeling empowered, confident and inspired. Taking the power back into your hands you can have an active and powerful role in reclaiming the vibrant health that you deserve — and are meant to have.

• Juices/smoothies
• Light dinner
• Workshop
• Opening circle
DAY 1, 2, 3
New/Full Moon
• Drinking only Kangen water, Fulvic Acid, Electrolytes
• Breath work, Sound, Temazcal
• Moon gazing practice
• Detox practices
• Coffee Enema, Self-care
DAY 4, 5
• Drinking only juices & Kangen
• Lymphatic detox practices
• Cleansing protocol
• Belly rolls
• Self-care
DAY 6, 7
• Alkaline vegan recipes
• Belly rolls
• Self-care
• Integration

ways to work together
join here
click here
water fasting
is the oldest medicine in clearing symptoms such as:
• headaches
• skin breakouts
• tiredness and lethargy
• poor sleep
• irregular bowel function
• mental fogginess
• slow healing capacity
• inflammation
• stiffness and muscle tension,
• anger and frustration
Water fasting will help you boost your immune system, increase human growth hormone, spur cell regeneration, lose weight, normalize insulin levels, and extend longevity.
You're giving your body a break from processing food, fat stores are fed upon and cells get a chance to go into repair mode — old and damaged ones are destroyed and new cells are generated. Following a water fast diet you improve the ability of your body to cleanse itself and activate its own powers of self-healing. The physical benefits of fasting symbolically mirror its spiritual ones; in the same way that fasting balances the body’s hormones and renews its cells, it recalibrates the soul’s priorities and repairs places in one’s character that have become damaged and diseased. In fasting, you both purify the body, and clarify the soul.

water fasting
It's well known that the moon affects the earth's oceans and rivers with its gravitational pull. It is less known that in a similar way, the moon affects the water contained in the human body.
This monthly rhythm is a natural catalyst of metabolic and emotional processes. Each Full Moon and New Moon we can use the hi peak energy of the lunar cycle to our advantage to promote the movement of fluids and the release of emotions in our bodies.
Each of the 13 moons carries unique energies generates specific influences in our body and in our behaviour, impacting different meridians and organs. Our program and the tools offered will be in sync with the lunar transitions to help you understand and use the moon energies in your favour.
"By overloading the body with food you strangle the soul and render it less active"
- Seneca
how to prepare
It is important to ease into a fast to prevent shock to the body and allow for a smooth and easy transition. The more you can help your body in the pre-fast, easier your detox journey will be. If your body is used to eating lots of heavy or processed food, then fasting may be a bigger transition and will be a shock to the body to go from one extreme to the other.
water fasting is a journey
If this is your first fast, perhaps start out really small with an 8-hour fast on a weekend when you don't have much to do. Drink plenty of water and take green juices and skip eating breakfast and lunch and then have a light dinner – to give you an idea of what a detox would be like. Every body responds differently to fasting, and it can be difficult to predict what will happen on your detox journey. Your physical and emotional state, the conditions around you are all factors can change the outcome of your fast.

what does it feel
During a fast is a rare and precious time to get to know yourself more intimately than you may ever have before. You start to become vividly aware of how you feel, how you think, what you struggle with, your habits, addictions, pleasures, cravings, comforts, avoidance and distraction strategies in wild and wonderful ways. You might experience all sort of physical symptoms too.
It is completely normal to experience headaches, coated tongue or foul tastes, fatigue, sadness, anxiety and irritability. Do not worry, It's all normal and great way to cleanse mind and body. Get plenty of rest, journal, practice the art of doing nothing and deeply connect to your body. Detoxes are personal evolutionary journeys and a sacred and special time for you to listen to your body, practice yoga, witness your mind and see what emotions come and go.
how do i break the fast
With our program we will help you transition into an alkaline diet where you will nourish your system with simple liquids like light juices and herbal teas and we will guide you on exactly what to eat for the first few days after your water and juice fast, which will usually include fruit, soups and light raw vegan meals.
It is important to eat slowly and absolutely avoid alcohol, refined sugar, bread, refined flour, meat and other foods that are heavy, chemically loaded or hard work to digest straight after your fast.
A detox that is right for your body can be
a powerful and transformational healing journey
- physical, trauma-related, emotional, ancestral or spiritual.

why fasting with
Not all water is created equally:
• Hydrogen rich
Reducing oxidative stress in our bodies
• Anti - oxidant
1 kg of blueberries is equal with 1 glass of Kangen
• Alkaline
Balancing the body's pH
• Micro - clustered
Penetrate cells and wash away acidic built up with ease and it's easily absorbed into the intestines to eliminate toxins from the colon
Kangen means RETURN TO ORIGIN in Japanese
Antioxidants are essential for proper function of the immune system. This is partly because immune cells produce free radicals for normal defence functions. If the level of free radicals in the immune cells surpasses the normal level, they negatively affect the immune system. On the other hand, antioxidants act as scavengers of the free radicals in cells and therefore promote our immunity and overall health. Did you know that... 1KG of blueberries (highest in antioxidants fruit) = 1 glass of Kangen water?
True ionized alkaline water will only last around 48-72 hours before it begins to lose its pH properties.
benefits of
Alkalized Kangen Water hydrates you faster and more thoroughly than plain water, it's full of minerals and electrolytes and molecular hydrogen (aka antioxidant). While fasting, you want to flush your body of toxins as much as possible and Alkalize Kangen Water’s pH enables your kidneys to effectively flush toxins like metabolic waste, fluoride and heavy metals.
Stop acidosis:
Alkaline Kangen Water will help raise your blood pH when your body enters into a state of fasting-induced acidosis. Acidosis is a temporary condition where the blood pH drops to unsafe levels. The body will steal calcium from your bones to neutralize the excess acidity. Drinking Alkalize Kangen Water during your water fast helps protect your bones, flush out toxins, and detox on cellular level.
Cells repair:
With water fasting cells get a chance to go into repair mode and old and damaged ones are destroyed and new cells are generated. Electrolyzed reduced water, Alkalized Kangen Water, will give all those electrons that will pair up on the utter cell of the atom to donate extra electrons to the atoms and eliminate free radicals from the body. Immune system will get boosted and ORP (oxidative reduction potential) levels will go negative where viruses, pathogenic and other diseases cannot survive.
Stop acid reflux:
You are also likely to experience acid reflux while water fasting if you don’t drink alkalized water. Acid reflux is a common side effect of water fasting. Alkalized Kangen Water inactivates pepsin, the enzyme that triggers the painful burning of acid reflux.
Book a free 30 minute consultation
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Instagram: @vie_eau_letta