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Kangen Water is the best sustainable alternative

Bottled water is destroying habitats and environment all over the globe. It requires over three liters of water to produce one liter of bottles water. 50 billion water bottles are consumed worldwide per year and 49% of bottled water in the U.S. is just purified tap water. Billions of bottles of water are shipped to the U.S. from overseas. Important fact, water from home filtration systems cost less than 1% per gallon, when bottles water can cost 1,000 times more than that.



Go plastic free

The five different types of Kangen water allow you to replace all household cleaning products (bleach, disinfectant) and pharmaceuticals (wound cleansers, antibiotics) with a natural solution, and limit your need for cosmetics (to cleanse and tone) to the bare minimum. This completely eliminates any single use plastics from your work and living space. It is estimated that the average person throws out almost 2kg of non-recyclable plastics on an average day, and the safest way to reduce your footprint is with Kangen water. Click here for other ways you can use Kangen water as a replacement for single use chemical products.

Eliminate harsh chemicals

Now that you are plastic free, Kangen water also allows you to eliminate all harsh chemicals from your household. Being able to wash, disinfect, and sanitize your house or workspace with one single clean product instead of bleach and corrosive substances creates a healthier environment to be in. Not only that, but the waste water from the reverse osmosis of the Kangen ionizers also allow you to water your plants.

Removing all toxic chemicals from your daily cleaning and beauty routine means that what you release back in the environment is clean too: you contribute to a healthier world by using water that benefits to your well-being too.

Long-term Care

Considered a lifetime product, the Kangen water machines are the most effective way to instantly cut out plastic waste in your household and create a healthy environment for yourself and your loved ones in the foreseeable future. The average household spends around $600 on cleaning products a year, which can be almost entirely replaced by several K8 water settings. This long term investment also allows you to alleviate your waste and carbon footprint ! Furthermore, up-market bottled water can easily account for up to $1000 a year, making the K8 the cheapest long term investing one can make for the best quality water and health benefits.


“Plastic pollution is extremely dangerous for the environment and directly threatens the life of millions of animals yearly. Over 700 marine species get caught and die due to plastic litter in our oceans.”


not all water is created equal


Water Contamination

Tap Water

A lot of us share this false assumption that “water is water”, and that as long as we are drinking it, we are good to go. But, according to the Environmental Working Group, there have been 315 pollutants found in America's tap water since 2004, and over half of these pollutants are completely unregulated and can legally exist in any amount. Studies have shown that tap water contains a variety of harmful pollutants which are not filtered out before consumption including many heavy metals, contraceptive chemicals, pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides and chlorine. Click here for more information regarding water contaminants.

Reverse Osmosis is a filtering process which may be effective in areas that do not receive municipally treated water and is commonly used in bottled water facilities. The problem with this process is that dangerous chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, and chlorine are molecularly smaller than water and can pass freely through the filter. Reverse osmosis also removes healthy, naturally occurring water minerals. These minerals not only provide good taste, they also serve a vital function in the body's system. When stripped of these minerals, water can be unhealthy. Also, 2-3 gallons of water are wasted for every gallon of purified water produced.

Bottled Water

Plastic bottled water has been shown by the World Health Organization to contain varying amounts of micro-plastic particles (such as propylene and nylon), which are considered carcinogenic. Such leaching of single use plastic into the water can cause toxicity, and 90% of bottled water contains micro-plastics. Although dangerous chemicals such as bisphenol-A (BPA) have been banned from water packaging, there is still high risks of BPA traces in bottled water. Over 20 000 different endocrine-disrupting chemicals were also found in bottled water according to recent studies, all contributing to adverse effects on our health, hormonal levels and reproductive capacity.

Although bottled water is sometimes seen as a healthier alternative to tap supplies, it also has many harmful effects on both our bodies and our environment.

Whether it is tap or bottled water; it is fair to say that we need to be paying as much care and attention to our water as we are to our diet and physical exercise. Based on these facts, it's no wonder that the demand for Kangen water is constantly increasing.

Plastic Pollution

Not only is the water we drink more often than not detrimental to our health, the use of single-use plastics such as bottled water also destroys our natural habitat. The amount of plastic in the ocean just keeps growing, and it is predicted that by 2025 the oceans will contain one metric ton of plastic for every three metric tons of fish. By 2050 plastic will outweigh fish entirely. In the U.S alone, 35 billion plastic bottles are produced each year, and 80% of them end up in a landfill or in the landscape instead of being recycled. Plastic bottles also take up to 1000 years to breakdown. Not only are they toxic once they are discarded, they are also extremely energy consuming to produce. Think of it this way: if you were to fill a plastic bottle so it is approximately 25% full, that is how much oil it took to produce it !

Our wildlife is greatly concerned by our use of plastic bottles too. Around 100 million marine animals die each year from plastic waste alone. It is estimated that 12-14,000 tons of plastic are ingested by North Pacific fish yearly, leading to marine wildlife death.


"When you feel healthy and vital and alive and prosperous
you attract more of all those things"

- Abraham Hicks